JTK Annual Tournament 2024








日期 Date: 11 Oct 2024 (Fri)
時間 Time: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
地點 Venue: 窩打老道YMCA 6樓禮堂 (23 Waterloo Rd, Yau Ma Tei YMCA 6th floor)
參與對象For whom: 全館會員及家屬朋友 All JTK Members and Families
比賽要求Competition Requirement:綠帶9級以上 Kyu Green 9 or above
截止日期Deadline: 31 Jul 2024
比賽規則詳情 Tournament Rules & Details

Dear Parents,

Jintak-Kan Annual Tournament 2024 will be held on 11th October, 2024 at 6/F, Grand Hall, 23 Waterloo Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon.(Chinese YMCA). You are cordially invited to support your child in this tournament.

The objective of hosting this tournament is to educate our young age Members about the concept of “Goal Setting”, through the fair competition rule to fight for their honors. The economy of Hong Kong is adjusting for the time being, we are all learning to cope with the change for the external environment, through this event, I believe we may educate our next generation to learn “Goal Setting” and let our children understand win and lose is merely a learning process only. “Lose” is a direct result of not putting effort, on the other hand, “Winning” is built on an attitude of “never give up”. After all, honour and recognition will be an award for the hard-working individual.

As the parent, we surely are not willing to let our children get injured and do our best to protect them, however, there is possibility to have minor injury in any sports. We cannot avoid injury or failure during the process of growing of our children. Through Sport Karatedo Training, we may train up our children to have good body reaction and fast decision making, they must learn how to attack (how to be more progressive) and how to defend (how to protect themselves). This is a very important concept during the growing process. Through proper training, our children can enhance the problem-solving skills and be able to face “fear”, more importantly on how to face with failure. Finally, your participation and support will greatly contribute to the success of this event.

Gojuryu Karatedo Jintak-Kan International (HK) Headquarters  

Annice W.L.Chiu Dip M, MBA 7th Dan KFHKCL Hon. Black Belt


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